The Christmas Card That Keeps on Giving

Travis Peterson

When was the last time you pranked someone really good? I’m sure there are plenty of people you know who deserve it. Why wait until April Fool’s Day? Everyone is expecting that. There are other...

New Joker Greeting Congratulations

Travis Peterson

Joker Greeting makes musical greeting cards that loop non-stop with no off switch. These cards will play for over 3 hours with no off switch. It's fun and funny. And I think anyone who has ever...

Office Pranks

Travis Peterson

My high school math teacher taught me that a great prank is one that doesn't do permanent damage but surprises and causes disruption to daily routine. The Joker Cricket is a great office prank and...

Joker Buzz Buzz

Travis Peterson

Apparently, Office Pranks Are Cool?!  The Joker Cricket launched in 2016 as has become a friend of all who enjoy office pranks. I have also learned that some enjoy the cound of random cricket noises...