Nearly everyone goes to greeting card aisle and aims for the funniest greeting card. Why? Either because they want to be amused a little bit before being overwhelmed or because funny trumps other sentiments in times of celebration.
I may be borrowing a much hyped media phrase but it’s only because nothing gets clicked without the president name anymore. Sad. And no one wants to be sad.
At Joker Greeting we make prank musical greeting cards that are both funny greeting cards and save you time. Because we make the funniest greeting card and you really don’t need to look anywhere else. We need to reduce the greeting card waste and only make great cards again.
List of Best Selling Funny Greeting Cards - To Help You Choose Faster
- Joker Birthday Card With Glitter: This is our best selling card. It plays a fantastic annoying song non-stop for 3+ hours and if you convince them to rip it apart to stop it…all the glittery-er. Because we have confetti-glitter inside.
- Joker Baby Shower Card: No Glitter here (not yet). This plays a baby crying for 3+ hours to help parents remember why the grandparents smiling at your struggles. And if you want to scare your kids into abstinence, this works too. Heck, get them twins.
- Joker Holiday Card: This card doesn’t exist. But Christmas cards are great during Christmas and Valentine’s Day do great during Valentines. We carry limited amounts of cards but they sell our very quickly.
- Joker Thank You card: Plays Golden Girls theme song, “Thank you for being a friend.” I don’t even know why you would look elsewhere for a Thank you card. If you are a friend…this is your card.
We make the funniest greeting cards. Get funny, be done.
Travis Peterson
Joker Greeting
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