When I grew up St. Patrick's Day was just another April Fools Day but green had to be included. Being Irish my dad would make all of the food green. Green milk, green spaghetti, green silverware (if that makes sense). And absolutely, if you weren't wearing green in my household you would get pinched. What a holiday! 

The Irish have a great sense of humor and a ceaseless delight in their bagpipes that I do not understand; unless it's Braveheart, that I can listen to. 

Top Things To Write in a St. Patrick's Day Card

1. F-U I'm Irish

2. This card is as fun as Brexit! 

3. The real pot of gold is inside the card! Break me and get it! 

4. This card reminds me of home...

5. As they say, for every bagpipe you hear a leprechaun loses his shoes. 

These are wildly fun greeting cards meant to bring laughter to both giver and receiver. There is no off-switch unless they choose to break it. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

Joker Greeting

Written by Travis Peterson

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