We support Jatson Chumig Educational Corporation

Today is Giving Tuesday where we all try to give a little more. Joker Greeting is offering that every dollar you save today will be given to Jatson Chumig Educational Corporation in Tibet; a small charity we have known for 11 years. Read below for details. 

11 years ago a friend of mine and I visited Nepal for charity and we gave 30 days or our time and money to help. We met another man named Brian McClatchy, a teacher at the time, who was helping children in Tibet with his wife. We have stayed in contact and he has done some amazing work like building a safe dormitory for them to have working bathrooms and living standards. 97% of these dollars go to the children while the 3% loss is due to processing fees. 

Link to Jatson Chumig website: http://www.lhasafriends.org

Here is a link to Charity Navigator that shows they are real: https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.profile&ein=352355827


10 Years at Jatson Chumig from My Journey on Vimeo.

 And we had a great Giving Tuesday! We matched every dollar saved and gave it to JCEC and while we are still small we are still making an impact. 



$5 helps buy first aid items - band aids, neoprene, ace bandages, etc

$5 helps buy seeds used in the greenhouses to grow their own food 

$5 helps buy soap & shampoo to help keep the kids clean & healthy

$5 helps buy rice, which is a staple food of their diet

$5 helps buy school supplies for all the kids attending schools


Written by Travis Peterson

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